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CattleTrace gains support from Nebraska and Kentucky stakeholders

Updated: Jul 8, 2019

Check out this excerpt from the May 2019 newsletter. Want to subscribe for monthly updates? Go here.

Through collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture Animal Health Focus Area, UHF readers were installed at a backgrounding yard in central Nebraska. Cattle move from Wisconsin to the backgrounder in Nebraska, and then travel to a feedyard in Kansas before ending up at a processing facility in the state of Kansas. The goal is to demonstrate traceability through different operations across the country, each with unique set-ups and applications of UHF technology.

In addition, with support from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Office of the State Veterinarian, UHF readers were installed at Blue Grass Stockyards in Lexington, KY. They will begin to pilot the technology in summer 2019, with opportunities for producer participants to become involved. If you are a cow-calf producer near Lexington and are interested in learning how you can be a partner in CattleTrace, please call Blue Grass Stockyards – Lexington at 859-967-6479.

CattleTrace is excited to have partners in multiple states who are interested in testing traceability technologies within existing marketing systems and beef industry practices. With the goal of developing an infrastructure that works for and in the cattle industry across the country, these partnerships are key to building a more robust animal disease traceability system. If you are interested in being a partner, please contact us at 785-564-7446 to learn more.

CattleTrace educational video now available

In an effort to provide educational tools for explaining Animal Disease Traceability in the beef industry and to highlight the basics of the CattleTrace program, we developed a video which is now available for anyone to view and share. Go to the About Us page on to share it, and check it out below.


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