Become a member of U.S. CattleTrace
What does U.S. CattleTrace do?
U.S. CattleTrace is focused on continuing to develop a nationwide infrastructure for an effective disease traceability system. As part of the system, cow-calf producers apply Ultra High Frequency (UHF) tags in their calves before leaving the ranch. The tags are then read at points of commingling such as auction markets, feedyards, and the packer. At each of these points, a “sighting” is recorded in the secure, third-party U.S. CattleTrace database, which is governed by the producer Board of Directors. A sighting is made up of only four minimal data points- tag identification number, date, time, and location.
How do we as a FEEDYARD participate?
Participation from feedyards comes in the form of implementing an RFID reading system at your facilities. If you currently utilize RFID technology in the form of Low Frequency, contact us to see how we can accept your data in a standardized format.
We also welcome you to become a member of U.S. CattleTrace. As we transition to a fully operational company, data management will be overseen by the board with direction from the membership. In order to track membership within our organization, we are offering a $1000 membership per feedyard location for operators that offers a wide range of benefits which you will see on the attached page.
Proactive participation in U.S. CattleTrace enables you to be at the forefront of this industry-driven initiative and influence the future of an expanded traceability system in the U.S. beef cattle industry. We thank you in advance for your consideration for participation in U.S. CattleTrace.
What benefits does membership provide?
Opportunity to participate in building a nationally significant animal disease traceability system.
Networking opportunities with fellow cow-calf members and auction market members throughout the year. (Examples include- U.S. CattleTrace Annual Golf Tournament and Members Only Social at the Annual Symposium.)
Recognition as a member in the U.S. CattleTrace Membership Directory. (Membership Directory is an exclusive directory that only members of U.S. CattleTrace have access to.)
Member Monthly Newsletter – stay informed with what is current with U.S. CattleTrace and animal disease traceability.
Discount for up to two registrations to the annual U.S. CattleTrace Symposium.
Voting rights – will get the opportunity to vote on board leadership.
Access to educational webinars throughout the year. Topics will vary but will be relevant to the feedyard segment of the industry.
U.S. CattleTrace Membership Application