In an ever-changing cattle industry, there remains a constant desire to pass on our operations to the next generation of producers, which in most cases, consists of family members. But there is always a question that must be answered: When you have multiple operators on your operation, what pieces can they claim ownership of?

A need I’ve seen on operations like my family’s is the role of technology manager. In today’s environment, it’s important to use technology to create an edge for your own operations and the cattle that you raise and sell. When you name a member of your team “technology manager”, it can give them the agency to contribute in even deeper ways then before. And if you’re anything like my family, you defer the technology decisions to the youngins.
I was recently able to sit down with a U.S. CattleTrace member from Montana and discuss the usage of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) on their operation. He described to me a friend who had utilized the RFID technology on their operation to entice his son back home to manage the transition, which eventually lead to him returning full-time. These types of partnerships do require planning, but if done effectively can assist in the development of easier management practices and grow your overall business.
Our young professionals in the cattle industry are learning a variety of technological skills that could be valuable back in our rural communities. It’s in our best interest as cattle producers to consider how the technological needs of our operations can be met with careful planning, and strategic thinking with the next generation of producers at the top of mind.
Are you interested in learning more about technological options you could implement, such as an Electronic Identification (EID) system? Visit to learn more or call (785) 456-8742 to talk with U.S. CattleTrace staff.
