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What's new with CattleTrace?

Updated: Apr 29, 2019

Check out this excerpt from the April 2019 newsletter. Want to subscribe for monthly updates? Go here.

Missouri joins as a CattleTrace partner

We are excited to share CattleTrace has now expanded to Missouri. In March, UHF readers were installed at the Kingsville Livestock Auction in Kingsville, MO. With the support of MFA Health Track, the team at the Kingsville Livestock Auction, and the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Missouri producers now have the opportunity to participate in CattleTrace. To learn more about how to get involved within Missouri, contact MFA Health Track or the Kingsville Livestock Auction today.

We are excited to welcome Missouri’s involvement in CattleTrace. We know that to be effective, a disease traceability system needs to work across the country. Missouri’s involvement will help us build a better disease traceability infrastructure to serve the beef industry. If you are interested in being a partner, please contact us at 785-564-7446 to learn more.

CattleTrace shifts to Phase Two

The CattleTrace pilot project has three primary objectives – (1) develop a purpose-built infrastructure for disease traceability; (2) test the infrastructure; and (3) evaluate its economics at both the individual producer and industry-wide levels. For the past year, CattleTrace has focused almost entirely on developing the purpose-built infrastructure, including recruiting partners, installing readers and distributing tags.

While we will continue expanding the infrastructure both in Kansas and outside of the state, the focus is shifting to the second objective of testing the infrastructure. This “Phase Two” of CattleTrace includes evaluating the effectiveness of the data collected and the robustness of the CattleTrace database. For example, we have proven the ability to successfully transmit data to the CattleTrace database when calves are sighted, but now we are working to develop a series of robust queries to enable us to trace cattle movement in the event of a disease situation. CattleTrace hypothesized that we only need four data points (animal ID number, time, date and location of the readers) to conduct a trace-back or trace-forward on an animal in the event of a disease outbreak. The queries we are building will allow us to test this hypothesis and determine if those are the only necessary data points, or if others are required.

The first mock traces with the CattleTrace system will start in summer 2019, and we will share the results as they are evaluated.


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